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Caregiver Subsidy Program (CSP)

Schedule of Disbursement 2024/2025

 Claim Deadline
 Training Receipt Dates Covered
 Target Reimbursement Date
 1. October 1, 2024
 June 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024
 November 30, 2024
 2. March 1, 2025
 October 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025
 April 30, 2025
 3. June 1, 2025
 March 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025
 July 31, 2025

Capacity Limits

$7/hour caregiver reimbursement, up to $100/month, until funds run out.  Each member has a personal cap of $350 per membership year.


CADA/East Professional Members must be active/current in order to receive subsidies.  You will be asked to describe the activities that took place during the time that caregiving was required. You will also be required to provide either a receipt or screenshot of the cost corresponding to eligible activity.

If you are uncertain about your eligibility or have further questions, please email us at 

Submission Examples

 1.6 hours of childcare at $16/hr will reimburse $42 (6 hrs X $7/hr). Unfortunately, we cannot take into consideration any tax paid. Required:  Receipts or Screenshot. 
 2.Artist caregivers will be reimbursed for care costs incurred during the unpaid hours spent conceptualizing, writing, and submitting grant/program applications, up to a maximum of 3 hours per application at a rate of $7/hour.  Required:  A screenshot of ‘submitted application’ message or confirmation email.
 3.Reimbursement for a nurse hired to allow for you to train/rehearse, write grants, conceptualize, and take time away with the intent of thinking about art making, etc.  Required:  Receipts or Screenshot.

Claim Submission Instructions

 Navigate to the Members Only  section
2. Log into your membership account
3. Download the form provided on the TSP page linked there
 Complete and submit the form according to the instructions provided

It really helps us if all your files are submitted in PDF format.
For information on how to input text on a PDF, please see here (MAC) and here (PC).

As the number of submissions is unknown, we will do our best to ensure that fair practices are observed and to provide funds to as many applicants as possible until we run out. 

CADA/East Gratefully Acknowledges the Generous Support of

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410 Jarvis Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, O.N.,
M4Y 2G6

 © 2023 Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists - East Chapter (CADA/East)

Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists - East Chapter is a not-for-profit organization. 410 Jarvis St., 2nd Floor | Toronto, O.N., M4Y 2G6

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