Membership · Training Subsidy Program · Other FAQ
Membership Questions
I want to join CADA/East, but it is now halfway through the current membership year. Can I get my membership dues adjusted accordingly?
CADA/East's membership runs from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. If you join, for example in January, you are still required to pay the full membership dues. CADA/East does not prorate dues for members who join late in the year. This is because, even if you join in the middle of the membership year, you can still qualify for a full $350 re-imbursement on training costs through the Training Subsidy Program.
What areas of Canada does CADA/East serve?
CADA/East serves members throughout Eastern Canada, including many in the Maritime provinces and Quebec. We changed our name (from CADA-ON) in 2019 to reflect the geographic diversity of our expanding membership. If you are a member of another Canadian organization offering a Training Subsidy Program (TSP), such as the Régroupement Québeçois de la Danse (RQD) or CADA/WEST, you can still join CADA/East, but please note that you may only submit your training receipts to one organization.
Why do I need to submit a biography with my application to be a member?
CADA/East needs these materials to help us ensure that our members qualify as "professional" artists. Your biography should briefly describe your dance training and explain your latest dance projects. A resume or CV can also be used as proof of your professional status. Please make sure to send it to Applications without a resume or bio will not be processed.
What are the qualifications to be considered a "professional" artist? I'm not sure if I fit the criteria.
Please visit the Membership Eligibility page on our website for a complete answer to this question.
A CADA/East membership includes a joint membership with the Canadian Dance Assembly (CDA). What are the benefits I receive from the CDA as a CADA/East member?
As a CADA/East member, you receive the full benefits of a CDA membership. These include:
- Access to a national advocating body who update all members on arts issues and policies that affect dancers, through e-bulletins.
- Access to the Arts and Entertainment Insurance Program offered by AFBS. See the benefits here.
- A $35 discounted subscription to The Dance Current (regular $40).
- Discounted registration to CDA conferences and events.
I have not yet received information about my Dance Current subscription. Who do I contact?
Please contact We will inform The Dance Current of your request for a discounted subscription.
How do I get a membership card?
You can find a digital membership card on your member profile by logging into the website. Click on your name in the top left corner; this will take you to your profile page and you can download a smartphone-optimized image or a printable PDF of your membership card.
As of November 2019, we are no longer including physical cards in membership packages.
I can't log in to my account online. How can I fix this?
Sometimes errors happen. Please email and our Membership Coordinator will get in touch to help you. We will reset your password in our system and confirm the email we have on file, which will likely fix your issue.
Please note: CADA/East's Membership Coordinator works part-time and is not in the office every day. It may take a few days in order for your issue to be resolved. If it the matter is urgent (for example, around an upcoming TSP deadline) please type "URGENT" in the subject line and our Membership Coordinator will do their best to get back to you as soon as possible. See here for CADA/East's office hours.
Training Subsidy Program (TSP) Questions
Where can I find the TSP Reimbursement Form?
Log in to your account on the CADA/East website. You can find the TSP Form under the "Forms" section.
What types of training are eligible for the TSP?
Any physical training that you do to condition your body to be "performance ready" is eligible. This includes technique classes, gym memberships, yoga/pilates classes, workshops, and any other physical training you may engage in.
Medical treatment such as physiotherapy is not eligible for the TSP (although you can access discounted services through our Professional Discounts program). Training that took place outside of Canada is also ineligible.
What is the annual cap of the program?
Professional Members have an annual cap of $350 per membership year.
I am required to sing for an upcoming dance performance. Is training for this performance eligible for the Training Subsidy Program?
No. Only physical training is currently covered in our TSP program. Any other training such as singing or acting is not currently eligible for reimbursement.
I am claiming my training costs on my income tax return. Can I also claim these costs through the Training Subsidy Program?
The answer is yes, but the execution is a bit tricky. If you send in training receipts for reimbursement in our TSP program (which reimburses 60% of claims), you can still claim the remaining amount (40%) for your taxes.
For example: A class you took cost $25. You receive $15 dollars back (60%) from CADA/East's TSP program. You can then claim $10 (the remaining 40%) on your income taxes.
Photocopied receipts are acceptable to submit for the TSP.
I missed the deadline, can I still submit for the TSP?
Receipts must be submitted by the appropriate deadline for training that took place within that TSP period. For example, training that took place between June 1st and September 30th can be submitted for the October 1st deadline. If you forgot to submit receipts during that period, hang on to them as we occasionally open up the final TSP deadline of the membership year (June 1st) for forgotten or misplaced receipts from the year.
I've already reached my cap for the TSP this year, should I still submit new training receipts?
Yes please! We track the actual totals of artist spending and use it in our grant applications to advocate for higher TSP funding.
Other Questions
What are the minimum fees for an independent dance artist?
Each employment scenario needs to be considered for the appropriate rate. Please view our fee schedule for recommended minimum fee payments. If you have questions about payment in particular circumstances not outlined on this schedule, please feel free to contact our office for advice.
Have another question that isn't listed here?